We believe that in order to grow spiritually we need to grow in our relationships.
Our Mission
To make disciples united in our love for God, one another and others (extending to all nations).
Loving God
Knowing God Intimately – Worshiping God Uninhibitedly – Growing in Devotion to God
God is Love. God is the reason we exist. We love God because He first loved us. He is full of grace, kindness and mercy. It is amazing we can know Him and grow in a personal and intimate relationship with him. We are called to grow this relationship with God through worship, prayer, meditation & study of the Bible, preaching, communion, participation in community and many other means.
- Days of Prayer and Fasting
Loving one another
Growing in Community – Disciples Who Disciple – Serving to Bless
God is Relational. We long for every person to enjoy the fulfillment and security that comes from being loved and accepted right where they are. We encourage participation in our Sunday Celebration Gatherings, Community Groups, as well as other informal get-togethers where people can “do life” together, and cultivate meaningful friendships.
- Discipleship
- Leadership Training
- FL!P
- AdAM
- Family Ministries
- Fuente Kids
- Fuente Youth
- Women's Ministry
- Men's Ministry
- Family Camps
Loving the world
Introducing Others to Jesus – Active in Social Justice; Showing Compassion – Planting Churches that Reproduce
God is a God of Restoration. God has given each person a unique purpose in this world and He desires for our lives to make a positive impact. We encourage each other to orient our lives around what is most important: loving & serving others, making wrong things right, using our gifts and talents for the good of others, and in doing so, seeing local and global transformation take place. Jesus said to “go make disciples”, so whether it is walking across the room, or flying across the globe, we long to be on mission with God, proclaiming the Good News of Jesus through word and deed, making the world a better place by meeting people’s needs: spiritually, relationally, and materially.
- Local outreach
- Love South Park
- Fuente Tutoring
- Evangelism/Outreach
- Inviting our friends
- World Missions
- Church Planting